12 June 2018

Future Me

I wrote an email on 2016 (not using ordinary email services) when I really sick on this depression feelings along the journey towards my life. I already forgot about it, but now! it sending an email to me. OMG, I thought it was dummy or joking system that send you what you write to your future.

It is good if you have history written on your personal scripting, so that you can refer and take a lesson from what you don't remembers. It is releasing to know that I already make a decision to take a little step moving forward, and now far beyond the history. The world is changing. The country is changing. and now I am changing!

Not about your lifestyle, also your mentality and the way you think. When you entered the age of 20 and above, the decision is choosing either you want to be a young on you joyful activities or you want to become a responsible adult in you life. I am not saying about "marriage" stuff, (hahaha) or any related to it.

ok, I'll show you what I wrote back on 2016, and received now (2018) 😋

The email services that I used was "FutureMe"

click the image if you cannot see clearly

Thats it ~ So now what you gonna write to your future?

Good Luck

P/S : Sorry for my broken english. It suck! 😅