07 November 2015

Sony Xperia vibrate 3 times and cannot boot or start FIX ! (Solution)

Hello there...

  • Have you get problem for your Xperia phone that can't be boot and just vibrate 3 times if  you press the power button? 
  • When you plug in the charger also it just vibrating? 
  • And the problem is happened after you wash or used it under water?

If it was, now I'll share how to solve it easily without formatting or hard reset your phone. (Hard reset will delete your phone app and make it as in default condition.)


  • Firstly, open all your cover port or slot (USB port and sim card/memory card slot). 
  • And then take out your sim card and memory card. 
  • Wipe out if at the port has a bit water on it. 
  • Lastly, just let your phone dry by itself and after a few minute (or an hour) charge your phone and start it normally. DONE!

Extra: You also can dry it using hairdryer, but be careful when using it. (Do it at your own risk).

Good luck :) 

05 November 2015

Sony Xperia phone damage to magnetic charger FIX !!! (reverse charging problem)

Hello people....

Today I want to tell you and share my own experienced about my phone (Xperia Z Ultra) that damage due to reverse charging from magnetic charger.

I'm not using the original Sony magnetic charger but I borrowed it from my friends. Firstly I used it like normal and it work very well. For second tried, I accidentally reverse the head of magnetic charger and do reverse charging. At that time, the effect was black screen toward my phone. I thought it just normal thing that happen when you reverse the charging. So I pull the magnetic out and place it back like it supposed to. But nothing happened.

I tried charging with USB cable using main power supply but it won't turn on. It just blinking a red (or orange) LED only. So I decide to wait another minutes to see if it charging or not. And.....it's not.
My phone just get hotter if I let it charge for a long time. I already tried soft and hard reset, but it just wasted my time. So I consider it as DEAD!

I am very disappointed for what happen to my phone and for your information, Sony company would not cover the warranty for magnetic charging. When you charge with it, you take the RISK by your own. It is your fault.

why you do this to me~~ :(


So after seeking for solution in the internet, just a few of you so lucky because you can turn it on again after many attempts (hard and soft reset, or charge with usb, or reverse charge and put it normal back etc). I do all this thing but it just wasting.

The real problem was in your hardware not your android system.

You can bring it to Sony center for checking the error or others mobile phone shop that can repair phone hardware.

So why my phone wont turn on? because the Power IC or Power Management Chip on main board was damage. Yupz, it was the Power IC. It cannot supply power from the outside (charger) to your phone because it was burned, but from battery (if you have battery power left), yes it can. If you can disassemble your phone, pull out the battery and put it back. You phone will probably turn on. But you still cannot charge it because Power IC still damage.

(You can search tutorial from the internet to disassembly your phone)

Example of power IC

To repair Power IC you need to expert in soldering and the component also too small. So, to be safe just send it to phone repair shop or Sony center services.

Do not worry, your app, data. image, message or what ever will not be affect or loss due to this problem.

That's all. Thank you.

*sorry for my broken English :P
*now I can hangout with my phone again, yay!